The gateway links a SmartWire-DT network trunk to a SERCOS network. As SERCOS slave, the device maps each SmartWire-DT station and its process data modularly in separate IO Function Groups. 252 bytes of I/O process data of up to 99 SWD stations stations can be transmitted, exchanged, and converted transparently between both networks.
The connected SWD trunk is commissioned with the configuration button at the front of the device. By pressing the button, the SWD topology read will be configured in the IO Function Groups and stored as a nominal configuration in the gateway. The SERCOS master is commissioned using SDDML device description files. They allow the user to adjust the actual and nominal configuration in the engineering software of the SERCOS master. Parameters of the SWD devices can also be set and transmitted to the devices via the gateway during the SERCOS network start phase.
SWD-Assist (Eaton’s planning and ordering tool) can be used optionally. It helps dimension the SWD trunk and allows further diagnosis in case of errors. SWD-Assist and the SDDML files are not included within the delivery of the gateway. You can download all software components free of charge at or order them at cost price as a DVD with a USB cable.