A netMIRROR and a netANALYZER on a colorful background. BOth devices are slightly mirrored on the bottom.
empowering communication

Network and Communication Diagnostics

Complexity and diversity make monitoring and optimizing your Real-Time Ethernet network a challenge, because faults need to be found and eliminated as quickly as possible.

Our netANALYZER and the intuitive graphics software, netANALYZER Scope, give you a full overview of your Ethernet networks at all times—regardless of the protocol or application in use. This allows you to measure important key data such as subscriber lists, alarms, process values, network usage and telegram jitter without any impact on the network or PLC. netANALYZER can also remain autonomous in a system for a longer period of time with the help of the trigger function. When defined events occur, netANALYZER automatically creates a telegram snapshot.

netMIRROR is the simple, reliable and efficient solution for integrating permanent test access point (TAP) into your industrial communication networks without affecting the network, whether for monitoring your traffic, quick troubleshooting or as part of your digital services.

Our netANALYZER and the intuitive graphics software, netANALYZER Scope, give you a full overview of your Ethernet networks at all times—regardless of the protocol or application in use.

Reliable and fail-safe access to data traffic in industrial networks is essential for anomaly detection. netMIRROR has already proven itself in numerous challenges in this area.

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Are you looking for an integration partner for your industrial communication project? From multi-protocol capable netX chips to IIoT applications - our network of partner companies offers you the support you need!

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Communication controllers and printed circuit boards are extensively tested at Hilscher in Germany.

We make industrial communication possible. From legacy fieldbus to Real-Time Ethernet and the cloud. Our solutions are multi-protocol capable, flexible and reliable. Learn more about how our netX software and hardware technologies work and how we make machine data accessible for you with our IIoT platform netFIELD.