Hilscher employees in a meeting.
empowering communication

Corporate Social Responsibility

As a family business, social values are deeply rooted in Hilscher's structure and mindset. A responsible approach and contribution to society is a declared corporate goal alongside economic success. That is why we consistently focus our work on universal principles such as respect for human rights and a ban on child labor. However, specific guidelines such as the avoidance of conflict minerals are also of central importance to us.

Code of Conduct

In our day-to-day actions we readily acknowledge our responsibility to society. As a company, it is our duty to have a positive impact on society and the quality of life of the people around us. Our Code of Conduct (CoC) sets out how we take responsibility for our business activities. This applies in particular to working conditions, social and environmental compatibility, transparency, cooperation based on trust, and dialog.


It’s our differences that make us unique, and we consider them a matter of course. For us, they comprise a large part of our dealings with each other, which is why they also contribute to our success as a company. That is why we at Hilscher accept every human being just as they are. Discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment and racism have no place here and will always be prosecuted.

Hilscher's policy on conflict minerals

Conflict minerals

In addition to protection of the climate and environment, we also focus on social sustainability beyond our corporate boundaries. This includes, among other things, renouncing the use of what are known as conflict minerals such as tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold from the Democratic Republic of Congo and neighboring countries. Resources from this region can be used to finance violence and conflict. We require our suppliers to take reasonable steps to ensure that the products delivered to us contain only conflict-free substances.

Download Hilscher Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)

The Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT) is a free, standardized reporting template developed by the Responsible Minerals Initiative (RMI) that facilitates the transfer of information through the supply chain regarding mineral country of origin and the smelters and refiners being utilized. The template also facilitates the identification of new smelters and refiners to potentially undergo an audit via the RMI’s Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP).

Hilscher's Code of Conduct and Corporate Philosophy

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Taking responsibility for our environment and for future generations is one of our core principles. That's why we're doing our part to tackle the greatest challenges of our time by implementing climate protection and sustainability measures.

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