DIL-32 communication IC - PROFIBUS DP Slave

Communication for simple slave devices without a host processor of their own
  • Compact DIL-32 communication module for cost-efficient field devices

  • Host connection with Modbus RTU via SPI or UART

  • PROFIBUS DP Slave interface including bus logic

  • Direct I/O-data connection via an external shift register

  • One design for all networks due to uniform interfaces

Slave solution for field devices with a low data throughput

Simple field devices such as barcode readers, identification systems, valve manifolds, or I/O blocks require a connection to a fieldbus system or a Real-Time Ethernet system. Since these devices only have a low data throughput, the netIC uses a serial connection such as UART and SPI as a host interface.

NetIC is a complete single chip module with the compact dimensions of a DIL-32 IC. NetIC is based on the network controller netX and contains all components of a fieldbus or a real-time Ethernet interface with an integrated 2-port switch and hub. The netX technology covers the whole spectrum of the relevant fieldbus systems and Real-Time Ethernet systems. By loading another firmware, one single netIC can be used for several communication systems. With simple read-write commands, the payload is transferred to the application via the above-mentioned serial interfaces. The widely used Modbus RTU protocol is implemented as a serial protocol.

Since conventional shifting registers can be controlled as digital I/O-components via a synchronous serial interface, simple applications do not require a host processor.

Due to the Hilscher network controller netX, a 10-year delivery guarantee is granted.

NIC 50-DPS supports the following protocols:
  • Modbus RTU Master
  • Modbus RTU Slave

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DIL-32 communication IC - PROFIBUS DP Slave


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netIC Evaluation Board - CANopen Slave, CC-Link Slave, DeviceNet Slave, PROFIBUS DP Slave

An evaluation platform for all fieldbusses

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