empowering communication

Multiprotocol SoCs & Stacks

The netX multiprotocol processors bring industrial communication to your machines and devices. Whether master or slave applications, legacy fieldbuses, fast Industrial Ethernet or IIoT data traffic - with netX you rely on solutions from the market leader.

Our solutions comply with the latest certifications and standards. We guarantee a long-term delivery time as well as the integration of the latest trends and technologies. And if you are looking for a competent integration partner, we have just the right network for you!

Overview of our netX communication controllers. As a highly integrated solution, they allow you to flexibly integrate your machines and production systems into your network regardless of the network standard. We provide hardware, software, certification and support from a single source.

Teaser picture Icon protocol stacks NXLFW

Our NXLFW firmware is the heart of every netX SoC and netX SoC-based products. It ensures that you can handle all industrial communication protocols with just a single piece of hardware—and all that with only a single software update.

The NXHX evaluation boards for our netX chips are the most effective way to evaluate the integration of your applications into different communication networks. This allows you to start developing your application even before the hardware design has been determined, shortening your time to market.

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Two Hilscher employees discussing a contract.

Are you looking for an integration partner for your industrial communication project? From multi-protocol capable netX chips to IIoT applications - our network of partner companies offers you the support you need!

A photo of the male and female customer support phone operator with different internationality
Customer Center / Sales: Hilscher North America, Inc.

You've got questions? We've got the answers!

Communication controllers and printed circuit boards are extensively tested at Hilscher in Germany.

We make industrial communication possible. From legacy fieldbus to Real-Time Ethernet and the cloud. Our solutions are multi-protocol capable, flexible and reliable. Learn more about how our netX software and hardware technologies work and how we make machine data accessible for you with our IIoT platform netFIELD.