Development with netX Studio

The development of field devices and controllers with netX is conceivably simple. Since the release of the first netX generation, Hilscher has relied on its own Eclipse-based development environment. This environment is provided by us with regular updates and is available to you for the development of your own communication solutions with netX.

In addition to the usual GNU-based tools, such as compiler, linker and debugger, netX Studio also includes appropriate configurations for the various I/O settings of our netX communication controllers. Furthermore, specific software packages for netX-90 applications, such as for the connection of motor controllers, are included in the scope of delivery.

Benefit from a modern development environment perfectly matched to our netX hardware - continuously maintained and further developed for your industrial communication.

Define your netX pinout

Our netX controllers feature numerous multifunction pins. These can be configured to assign certain peripheral functions to external systems.
In netX Studio you have access to a pin assignment tool. This allows you to easily configure your netX controller for your application and thus optimally fit it into your system.

A user interface of Hilscher's netX Studio development environment. In the center of the picture you can see numerous light and dark grey as well as green rectangles. On the right side there is a folder structure. On the top left is written "Pin assignment (netX 90)".

Development with the netX Studio toolchain

Besides the development environment, Hilscher offers numerous tools and instruments that support an easy and effective development with netX.
This way, we help you with configurations and programming as well as implementing security functionalities and building reliable processes. On the application side, we offer device drivers complementary to our firmware, middleware and application sample software.

A graphic that shows the development with the netX Studio toolchain.

netX90 Flash Image creation

Our latest and smallest multiprotocol capable communication controller is the netX 90. It has a high integration density and also includes a non-volatile memory. After you have finished your development process, this memory still needs to be flashed.

For this purpose, we have created an easy-to-use collection of tools with which you can create the required flash images. In addition, the tool collection already contains applications for the security features offered by netX 90. Thus, you can sign your corresponding images and guarantee a secure device development - quickly and easily.

A graphical representation of the netX 90 Tool Collection

Learn more about our netX technology

A photo collage showcasing various Hilscher products

From turn-key products to highly integrated solutions and complementary software, Hilscher is your partner for industrial communication. Get an overview of how we can help you take the networking of your machines to a whole new level!

An industrial drive in silver and black. The surroundings are slightly colored in blue and red.

Drives in automated systems must be able to communicate with each other easily, flexibly and smoothly. netMOTION offers you drive control and communication from the market leader in a single chip solution.

Hilscher offers hardware and software for industrial communication tasks from a single source. Our protocol stacks make your netX the most flexible communication solution on the market. Find out more in our overview.