An IO-Link Wireless Master and a Bridge on a colorful background. Both devices are mainly grey and are slightly mirrored on the bottom.
empowering communication

IO-Link Master for Industrial Ethernet

From retrofitting existing systems to the seamless integration of sensors into real-time communication networks, IO-Link is the standard for industry 4.0.

The wireless netFIELD IO-Link wireless technology allows you to wirelessly integrate complex sensors or actuators into Real-Time Ethernet networks. Reducing cables accelerates device integration time and reduces the risk of physical damage such as cable breaks. Devices also have increased freedom of movement, which is especially relevant for robotic arms or autonomous transport vehicles. At the same time you benefit from the entire Hilscher ecosystem with regular firmware updates, pre-certified protocol stacks and our many years of experience in industrial communication.

netFIELD IO-Link Wireless Master PROFINET IO-Device

netFIELD IO-Link Wireless Master – simple solutions through flexible connections

netFIELD IO-Link Wireless Master EtherNet/IP Adapter

netFIELD IO-Link Wireless Master – simple solutions through flexible connections

netFIELD IO-Link Wireless Master EtherCAT Slave

netFIELD IO-Link Wireless Master – simple solutions through flexible connections

netFIELD IO-Link Wireless Bridge Class A

netFIELD IO-Link Wireless Bridge – integrates your sensors and actuators

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Are you looking for an integration partner for your industrial communication project? From multi-protocol capable netX chips to IIoT applications - our network of partner companies offers you the support you need!

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Communication controllers and printed circuit boards are extensively tested at Hilscher in Germany.

We make industrial communication possible. From legacy fieldbus to Real-Time Ethernet and the cloud. Our solutions are multi-protocol capable, flexible and reliable. Learn more about how our netX software and hardware technologies work and how we make machine data accessible for you with our IIoT platform netFIELD.