A netFIELD DEVICE IO-Link Master in an industrial environment.
empowering communication

Sensors easily connected with IO-Link

Since IO-Link was first introduced in 2007 as the new communication standard for sensor data in factory automation, Hilscher has provided the necessary interfaces in its netX chips to simplify the connection of sensors to industrial networks. IO-Link defines a master-slave architecture on a physical level. In a 24V system, the sensor data is transmitted via modulated current at a maximum of 230 Kbit. IO-Link also enables the sensors to be parameterized and diagnosed, making new machine models possible, while also enabling the ability to place sensors at new positions. The IO-Link standard is now widely used by many machine builders and plant operators. netX makes it easy for you to take advantage of the benefits of IO-Link.

Use the chip’s own hardware resources to:

  • easily integrate and make use of IO-Link sensor data in your communication network
  • integrate IO-Link sensor technology in Ethernet networks
  • implement configuration and parameterization via GSDML using the Hilscher firmware
  • use IO-Link Wireless to connect your sensors with the help of Hilscher partners


IO-Link with Hilscher’s netX 90 communication controller

Integrating IO-Link sensors into a real-time Ethernet network is incredibly easy with our multiprotocol-capable netX 90 communication controller. Its firmware connects, optimizes and synchronizes real-time data from the field level to the sensor and actuator level. The IO-Link master PHY chips are connected to the netX 90 via a serial interface. The system is then initialized via the netX 90 firmware.

The master PHY chips support up to 4 IO-Link channels simultaneously and allow 400 μs cycle time at 230 kBd. Other options are also available, including extensive diagnostic functions and flexible power supply to the sensors with up to 4A per channel.

Are you planning to integrate IO-Link? Get flexible and reliable technology from the industry leader. Get in touch with us. We’ll help you turn your project into a success.

A light blue square with a black netX chip on the left and two schematic IO-Link sockets on the top and bottom right side. Two two-headed arrows are pointing to the left outwards from the chip. The sockets are connected to the chip with red arrows pointing in both directions.

Your benefits

IO-Link complete solution

netX 90 with IO-Link firmware as a powerful gateway technology

Less development costs

Reduce the risk of in-house developing and use proven netX technology for your IO-Link solution

Certification made easy

Our IO-Link solutions can be certified for all common industry standards

Related links

Hilscher offers hardware and software for industrial communication tasks from a single source. Our protocol stacks make your netX the most flexible communication solution on the market. Find out more in our overview.

A hand in a white glove holds an embedd module from Hilscher. Mounted on the green square module is a netX 52.

Each netX chip is based on a highly flexible and programmable multiprocessor system. It allows dual and multiport architectures for your solution. Find out how it works.

Hand connecting an IO-Link cable to the netFIELD Device IO-Link Master

IO-Link is the standard for network-integrating smart sensors. Whether as a retrofit in legacy production systems or in newly planned production lines and machines, our products let you easily and reliably integrate your sensors into the network.