netFIELD App IO-Link Configurator - Embedded web app for configuring IO-Link Masters and Devices

Web-based configuration of entire IO-Link systems independent of the control unit
  • Compatible with IO-Link masters that support OPC UA IO-Link companion specifications

  • Online configuration of IO-Link sensors/actuators from any manufacturer

  • Automatic download of IODD files for IO-Link Devices

  • Communicates without additional hardware costs via Ethernet connection

  • Web user interface for embedded platforms, e.g., Edge Gateways

The platform-independent container app netFIELD App OPC UA IO-Link Configurator lets you configure IO-Link masters and their connected IO-Link sensors and actuators over Ethernet. The masters must support the services and variables of the OPC UA IO-Link companion specifications.

In PROFINET- and EtherNet/IP-based industrial networks, the TCP/IP-based services can be transmitted on the same network parallel to and independent of the control data. In the case of EtherCAT, the controller provides the tunneled Ethernet-over-EtherCAT access for the transmission of services. If the industrial network is not available, the app uses a DHCP server and the ICMP or DCP protocols to find the IO-Link master and establish IP communication.

For diagnostic purposes, you can view the status of the devices connected to the masters, including their process data, via the application’s web front end. The IODD files needed to display and configure the data are automatically downloaded from the IODDFinder Internet database.

NFA-IOC-OTP supports the following protocols:

Technical Data





Product name


Part number



netFIELD App IO-Link Configurator

Software type



Hardware requirements

Processor architecture

x64, ARM32, ARM64

Container size

350 MB, unpacked

Memory requirements

Minimum 200 MByte

Data interface


Software requirements

Operating system


Container runtime environment

Required, e.g. Docker

Runtime properties

Communication protocols


Supported IO-Link masters

Masters that support OPC UA IO-Link companion specifications


Container protection

CodeMeter licensing technology

Product activation

License key

License server

Required for license storage and retrieval (Windows or container)

Billing model

One-time payment

Order Information

Product name

Part number

Brief description



netFIELD App IO-Link Configurator - Embedded web app for configuring IO-Link Masters and Devices

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