NRP H90 (precaricato)

Chio Carrier netX 90 - stack di protocollo precaricato

Design netX 90 ultracompatto - testato e caricato completamente
  • Interfaccia slave ultracompatta in formato netRAPID di dimensioni dimezzate

  • Un unico hardware per tutti i protocolli Ethernet e i bus di campo industriali

  • Collegamento host tramite SPI veloce

  • Design a basso consumo energetico per un intervallo di temperatura esteso

  • “Security by design” grazie al crypto core integrato

Ultracompact slave interface for secure field and cloud connectivity

netRAPID 90 is the rapid and secure alternative to a slave interface developed by the customer. The netX90 Chip Carrier is soldered to the host system in the SMD production process like a standard QFP part.

In addition to the proven and flexible multiprotocol processor for all common communication and IIoT protocols, netRAPID 90 also has a Cortex M4 application processor and is available in different memory sizes . Thus, netRAPD 90 is the ideal communication platform for customer-specific solutions with an integrated application – in one single design.

netRAPID 90 is available as a ready-to-use communication module with a fixed scope of functions and a preloaded protocol firmware and as a flexible programming platform to combine communication with application and customer-specific pin assignment.

Due to the automated Hilscher production process, netRAPID 90 can also be delivered preloaded as a service – ready-to-use with customer and application-specific content.

Owing to an integrated Crypto-Core, netRAPID 90 is well-prepared for future security functions, e.g. TLS for CIP security or secure boot as a protection against malware attacks. Thus, netRAPID 90 already is the ideal basis for secure field and cloud connectivity.

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NRP H90 (Preloaded)


Chio Carrier netX 90 - stack di protocollo precaricato



Scatola da 10 pezzi NRP H90-RE per prototipazione