成功案例:基于 netX 90 的产品开发

为了开发自己的第一款产品,工程公司 kumkeo GmbH 选择了赫优讯世界上最小的多协议芯片 netX 90。

风能行业的客户对所需解决方案的要求非常明确: 风力发电机的两个旋转编码器通过 BiSS 安全接口提供数据,而上级控件则希望通过 PROFINET 和 PROFIsafe 提供测量数据。必须开发一种可靠的,尤其是安全的协议转换器,将从传感器接收到的数据转换成控件所期望的信号。

kumkeo 仅用了创纪录的 9 个月时间就开发出了可批量生产的产品 BiSS Safety 24 Volt > PROFINET/PROFIsafe 协议转换器。协议转换器为两个 BiSS 安全传感器提供 24 伏电压,并可靠地读出其数值。由此获得的数据以 netX 90 为基础,通过 PROFINET/ PROFIsafe 提供给安全控件。

netX 90 SoC 的另一个特点是具有多协议功能。这种灵活性使工程公司能够在短时间内开发出更多定制版本的协议转换器和其他产品。

A grey box with several connectors up front.

kumkeo 协议转换器的优势:

  • 灵活的平台缩短了开发周期
  • 免维护
  • 专为连续运行而设计
  • 安装在支承轨道上(DIN 导轨)
  • 通过 LED 指示系统和通讯状态
  • 选配:用于传感器和执行器的集成电源
  • 选配:IP67 加固型,供室外使用
A black netX 90 chip mounted on a green PCB.
Logo kumkeo GmbH

We were able to put our first protocol converter into series production in a record time of just nine months based on the netX 90 as a certified product. The multi-protocol capability of the netX 90 allows further products and variants of the converter to be developed quickly. The decision to opt for the netX 90 proved to be the right one for us.


Sven Tanneberger

Head of Projects & CO-Founder

kumkeo GmbH

A man with glasses, blonde hair, blue jacket and white shirt looking into the camera.

netX 90 概览

‌→ 具有附加 Cortex M4 应用处理器的最小多协议 SoC

→ 内置安全功能,实现安全的现场和云端连接

→ 支持所有工业以太网、现场总线和 IIoT 标准

→ 具有最低功耗的高能效 SoC



从高集成度、高能效的多协议应用到高性能的主站解决方案,赫优讯的 netX 产品系列可为各种应用提供合适的 ASIC。netX 90 是赫优讯最新推出的具有从站功能的网络控件。

An animated picture of a black netX 90 chip slightly tilted to left side.
Logo kumkeo GmbH

Founded in 2009
80 Employees
Annual sales of EUR 8.2 million in 2021
DIN EN ISO 9001 and EN9100 certified
Member of the EtherCAT Technology Group, PROFIBUS User Organization (PNO), DGLR, FED and National Instruments Alliance Partner


kumkeo GmbH
Heidenkampsweg 82A
20097 Hamburg
T: +49 40 2846761 0


kumkeo GmbH is an engineering firm with consulting expertise as well as in-house product development. With practical concepts, the company offers support in project planning as well as in all phases of the implementation. The key areas of expertise include:

  • Software and firmware development
  • Hardware development
  • Software and system test
  • Qualification, verification, validation and certification
  • Obsolescence management
  • Project and quality management

The solution capabilities of the engineering firm also flow into the development of innovative measurement, control and regulation technology products.
Well-known companies of the renewable energies, ­laboratory and medical technology, semi-conductor and defense as well as aerospace industries appreciate the longstanding and cross-sector expertise.



我们的 netX 通讯控件概览。作为一种高度集成的解决方案,无论网络标准如何,它们都能让您灵活地将机器和生产系统集成到网络中。我们从单一来源提供硬件、软件、认证和支持。

netX-Kommunikations-Controller von Hilscher auf einer Leiterplatte.
netX – the multi-protocol capable communication controller

Our netX communication controllers are your gateway to industrial communication. Their multiprotocol capability is unique on the market and the basis for network-integrating countless machines worldwide. As a turn-key product or highly integrated into your application, we have the right solution for you.
