netX-Kommunikations-Controller von Hilscher auf einer Leiterplatte.
empowering communication





As a result of climate change and the ever-increasing influence of humans on nature, biodiversity is declining in many regions. This comes particularly at the cost of domestic animals, whose habitat and food supply are shrinking at an ever greater rate.

For that reason, we offer a wide range of food sources and extensive safe havens on our grounds on the Hattersheim site, which have been designed with nature in mind, such as a large wildflower meadow and insect hotel, as well as fruit trees.

A group of young people sitting on a couch in Hilscher's office building.
Environmental management according to DIN EN ISO 14001

Our environmental management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 14001. This is how we systematically anchor environmental protection in our management and ensure that it is taken into account in all day-to-day tasks and corporate policy decisions.

The aim is to reduce our environmental impact and continuously improve our environmental performance.

Three Hilscher employees talking in the foyer of the main building.
Production in Germany

Hilscher products are manufactured in our own SMD production facility in Hattersheim, near Frankfurt/Main.  It meets the most modern requirements and undergoes continuous optimization. In addition, adjustments and repairs to our products can be carried out directly on our premises, saving long shipping distances.

Employee inspecting a cifX PC card
Resource conservation

At our sites we make responsible and efficient use of resources. This is ensured through regular monitoring.

Our cross-departmental environmental team continuously identifies potential for optimization that will contribute to the conservation of resources. Measures such as the installation of a PV system, the installation of LED panels, and the modernization of sanitary facilities have already been implemented.

A woman standing next to a machine and holding a Hilscher edge gateway in her hand.
Food – sustainable and organic

Our daily consumption of food also plays a role in the consideration of our ecological footprint. That is why we rely on fair-trade products that meet sustainability standards for the food we provide, such as water, coffee, tea, milk, and meals. Preference is given to regional and organic products. This has also led to some of our employees making the switch to plant-based alternatives to dairy.

Employee entering Hilscher's company building through the main entrance.







为避免不必要的包装浪费,我们在设计产品时坚持重复使用。我们优先考虑使用可回收包装和欧标托盘。为确保良好的回收利用,我们不使用任何复合材料。我们的填充材料由 100% 可生物降解的天然玉米淀粉片组成。




作为一家企业,我们采取有针对性的措施,尽可能减少生态足迹。与此同时,我们的产品也在为减少温室气体排放发挥作用。例如,利用工业 4.0 范围内的新技术,机器的维护得到了优化,从而减少维修次数。此外,我们还可以集中和远程管理和部署机器更新。





我们通过 RMA 流程在内部进行检查和维修。我们高度重视避免浪费。



Employee performing functions test on netX chips.

We will respond to all your inquiries regarding restrictions on substances and look forward to your e-mail:

Hilscher employees in a meeting.


Production of the netFIELD Device at Hilscher in Hattersheim.

您想退货吗?没问题。这里有关退货程序 (RMA) 的所有信息。