Hilscher netPI Edge Gateway in use.








您的机器已经可以处理这些内容?或者说,您是否需要在现场手动收集数据,耗费大量时间?借助赫优讯的 IIoT 边缘基础设施,您可以针对挑战作好充分准备。


On the left side, an icon of a human with a line of code and gears can be seen. On the left side, several browser windows and a stylized shopping cart can be seen. In the middle is a red question mark.

开发 IIoT 解决方案需要大量资源: 复杂的要求、难以解决的挑战、冗长的认证和标准化流程以及瞬息万变的竞争环境。所有这一切都需要多年的开发工作,才能独立完成解决方案。

An icon of a human on top with a red light bulb and a network icon. on the bottom is a shopfloor depicted with four machines connected with a colorful stripe. An arrow poiints from the human and the lightbulb to the shopfloor.

在 IIoT 背景下,原始数据需要转化为某种有形价值。为避免通讯基础设施超载,软件应尽可能靠近机器。这样可以缩短响应时间,提高 IIoT 解决方案的效率。

A blue circular arrow with a browser icon within. Around the circular arrow are four icons of machines arranged.


An icon of a human being on the left bottom side. On the right side of the picture you can see a cloud icon in blue with a network icon and several zeros and ones in it. The human is connected to cloud with a small red line.

在端到端连接的时代,了解“我的数据去了哪里,谁能访问这些数据?”比以往任何时候都更加重要。您需要能够决定数据的去向和处理方式。使用我们的平台或连接到 Microsoft Azure 或 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 等其他云端服务。MQTT 是 IIoT 数据传输的行业标准。

A cloud with a network icon in and IIoT written beneath it is placed on top of the picture. Under it there are several zeros and ones in red. Below these, the icons of the protocols EtherCAT, PROFINET, OPC UA and EtherNet/IP can be seen.

IIoT 解决方案通常需要接入工厂的自动化网络。作为一家元件供应商,我们为机器和网络(如 PROFINET、EtherCAT 和 Ethernet/IP)开发工业通讯解决方案已有 35 年之久。您可以信赖我们的多协议 netX 通讯控件和我们作为市场领导者的专业知识。

A browser icon with zeros and ones  in red placed left and right.  In each corner of the picture a different icon of machines can be seen. From each machine goes an arrow to the browser windows in the middle.


将工业物联网与赫优讯开发的全面边缘管理平台 netFIELD 配合使用


An icon which with three arrows pointing to the left, top and right. On top of the icon, a cloud symbol can be seen. In the background a sensorEDGE gateway from Hilscher with a colorful and slightly transparent blue and red overlay.
An icon of a stylized PC display is placed slightly on the right in the picture. “Management” is written under the icon. In the background, some numbers can be seen as well as a color gradient from blue to red.
An icon of a PC display with "Apps" written below. The icon is placed slightly to the right in the picture. In the background, several lines of code can be seen. The background is very colorful in blue and red.

赫优讯管理型工业物联网: 成功案例

A packaging machine from MULTIVAC.

集成包装解决方案的领先制造商 MULTIVAC 利用 netFIELD 开发以客户为导向的服务,提高机器可用性

A pneumatic valve application with many cables and lines going about, disappearing into a cabinet on the bottom. On the far right side, AVENTICS is written on the device. In the background, you can see some green and blue boxes. The valve application is mounted on a sheet of metal.

球领先的自动化技术和软件供应商艾默生在其 AVENTICS™ 阀门系统中集成了 OPC UA,通过 netX 90 简化了 IIoT 集成和分析功能。

Thermal spray coating machine by Oerlikon.

Surface solution specialist Oerlikon Metco AG uses netFIELD to enable real-time data collection from industrial applications, such as thermal spray painting machines, from around the world.

A clean and bright inside of a factory with several machines lined up left and right. On two white rails at the upper half of the picture Güdel is written in red large letters. In the foreground, a sheet of metal lays on a conveyor belt.

Industrial systems specialist Güdel uses netFIELD to implement advanced IIoT solutions, ranging from monitoring specific wear points to a more holistic Industry 4.0 approach.

A man and a woman in high visibility vest are looking at a notebook, Both are wearing white helmets. In the background are machines.

赫优讯面向开放工业 4.0 联盟(OI4)社区打造的旗舰店为工业世界实现了应用商店的便利性。该商店由 Wibu-SystemsCodeMeter许可提供支持,用户可以访问应用程序和解决方案库,以满足他们的车间自动化需求。


您有什么具体的挑战需要开发 IIoT 解决方案?您是否已经有了具体的产品构想,正在寻找合适的 IIoT 基础设施?或者您想了解更多有关 netFIELD 的信息,以及如何利用它为您带来优势?没问题,请填写下表,与我们的专家进行个人产品演示

我们的专家为您提供个性化的 netFIELD 演示


I agree that my personal data will be used to contact me via e-mail or phone with further information.


A testrack with a SIMATIC IPC, IO-Link sensors and Hilscher gateways for the virtual IIoT training center. On the bottom left side is a white stylized cloud with a Hilscher logo and a black outline..

你是否会采取亲身实践的方式,并希望提前详细了解 netFIELD ? 没问题!使用我们的虚拟 IIoT 培训站,了解我们的技术。单击此处->

Raspberry Pi Tutorial

在本教程中学习如何轻松地开始使用我们的 netFIELD 云您只需要一台装有 Raspbian OS 10 或 11 的 Raspberry Pi 3 或 4 和一个 netFIELD 账户。如果您还没有 netFIELD 账户,可以在这里申请一个试用账户

9 icons of applications on Hilscher netFIELD.io Portal platform in a web UI. The background is dark with a gradient to white on top and vertical white lines al over the picture.

使用为期 6 周的试用账户,测试和评估我们云端平台的全部功能——无费用,无义务您只需填写表格,无需填写付款信息。


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电话: +49 (6190) 9907 -90
