Promwad 与赫优讯结成联合合作伙伴关系

哈特斯海姆,2023 年 2 月 7 日 – 硬件设计和嵌入式软件开发专业企业 Promwad 公司将与赫优讯自动化系统有限公司建立联合合作伙伴关系。Promwad 通过其工业自动化和机器人工程部门更加关注工业自动化,这与作为嵌入式集成商的赫优讯 的新合作关系完美契合,因为这家总部位于哈特斯海姆的公司的 netX 多协议 SoC 可用于众多项目。Promwad 大型工程团队拥有长期积累的丰富经验,能够为最终客户提供出色的咨询服务。另一方面,netX 的高度灵活性使 Promwad 能够高效、快速地实施开发项目。


→详细了解 Promwad 工业自动化和机器人工程部门!

Corporate business team and manager in a meeting
Logo Promwad Electronics Design

Promwad develops new devices and software for the global electronics market by taking a client's product from concept to mass production. Promwad helps design commercially successful products for various industries: industrial automation and robotics, telecommunications and video streaming, automotive, FPGA and edge computing. The company portfolio consists of turnkey electronics and hardware design, all types of software developments, industrial product design and mass production launch. Since 2004, the company has implemented more than 500 projects for customers in the EU, the USA and Canada.

Hilscher – empowering communication
Hilscher Company Profile

Hilscher is the leading technology and solutions provider in industrial communications. With products and solutions from Hilscher, machines worldwide communicate with each other automatically, quickly and securely so that production and processes run smoothly. From hardware to the cloud, Hilscher makes Industry 4.0 possible. Hilscher was founded in 1986 in Hattersheim am Main and has since developed into an internationally active company with more than 400 employees at 13 locations worldwide.

A picture in black and white of a bald man wearing glasses as well as a suit with a tie.
Jörg Zimmermann



电话:+49 172 9989 051

A man in a blue shirt looking into the camera.
Daniil Samoshchenko


Promwad Electronics Design House

电话:+49 201 487 148

A bald man in a dark suit and white shirt laughing into the camera, a large scale Hilscher logo in the background.her Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
Oliver Heidl




电话: +49 1520 2044324