
哈特斯海姆,2023 年 11 月 9 日 在未来几年,甚至几十年,安全性将成为工业通讯基础设施的主导因素。工业通讯解决方案的领先供应商 Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH 将在德国纽伦堡举行的 2023 年 SPS 展会上重点关注自动化行业的安全相关问题。

总部位于法兰克福附近哈特斯海姆的赫优讯公司的通讯解决方案是现场设备和机器的可靠运行保障,这些机器和设备必须符合 IEC 62443 标准。该 IEC 标准规定了工业控制系统的安全流程,并确保了安全的开发程序。全面的安全测试是赫优讯安全软件开发生命周期的重要组成部分。这家工业通讯专业公司还使用 OpenVAS、Nessus、PCLint 和 SonarQube 等工具来分析漏洞和静态代码。另外,公司还通过语法、模糊测试、淹没测试和风暴测试确保系统整体稳定性。这种做法的另外一个目的是防止拒绝服务情况,显著提高现场层面的网络安全。

The ceiling of Hilscher's trade fair booth at SPS in Nuremberg. In the middle hangs a panel with a man working on a machine on it. In the background there is a trade fair panel with a display and walls. The major part of the picture is in blue and white colors.
Hilscher – empowering communication

With the rapidly growing connectivity and importance of IIoT, cyber security is becoming increasingly important. As a leading provider of communication technology, we understand the importance of IT security and design all of our products with that in mind.

Sebastian Hilscher

Chief Executive Officer

Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH

Sebastian Hilscher, Chief Executive Officer at Hilscher


A lock in a dark environment. The lock is surrounded by blue PCB-like lines.

我们的 netX 通讯控件和安全协议固件帮助用户开发安全设备和系统。因此,您完全有能力满足 IEC 62443 或《网络弹性法案》等标准的要求。

A photo collage showcasing various Hilscher products


Young handsome male customer support phone operator with headset working in call center.

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