A cifX PC card with red PCB lays in the foreground surrounded by network cables and interfaces. Out of focus in the background you can see three people in a discussion
empowering communication

Support Engineer

현재 지원 불가능한 채용 직종

죄송합니다만, 현재 이 채용 공고는 지원이 불가능합니다. 당사의 다른 흥미로운 채용 정보를 확인하시거나, Hilscher에서의 채용 기회에 대해 당사 HR 팀에 문의하시기 바랍니다.

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Join our team!

We’re in the business of connecting factories and plants around the globe. We’re the global market leader in industrial communication. With our high-tech solutions, we make technology more intelligent and push the limits of what is possible—both now and in the future.

Our customers can rely on us for a full range of efficient networking solutions in best-in-class quality. With our products, our customers can enhance their performance and take on new challenges. We stay independent through our own research and development. With our corporate culture, we’re creating an exciting and secure working environment that you, too, can be a part of.

If you’re a Support Engineer looking for an exciting and secure work opportunity, then you’re exactly who we’re looking for. Our Solution Center Team is looking for a new team member.

We know that our teamwork is the key to success. Dedicated employees are at the heart of what we do. Join us in shaping the industry of the future!

Learn more about us

You know and understand your customers.

You’ll be the main point of contact for our customers. You’ll provide assistance in the selection of the appropriate netX chips or modules for their specific applications and projects, as well as support for installing them. You’ll conduct training courses and workshops to teach customers about new features and how to use them.

You’re a consultant and a problem solver.

With your expertise you’ll provide the necessary support for integrating the selected chips and modules. You’ll provide support from the conception phase to the design-in process. Everyone involved will be relying on your technical support and advice throughout the entire product lifecycle. You’ll be relied on to quickly identify errors or problems and to come up with the right solutions.

You convey knowledge.

With your skill set you’ll analyze the data provided by our customers. You’ll perform all the necessary tests in a professional manner. You’ll carefully collect and analyze our customers’ feedback on products and support cases. You’ll be in constant communication with product management and development teams. Based on your documentation of all work and findings we’ll be able to glean valuable knowledge. Through your active involvement you’ll contribute to the continuous development and improvement of our products.

You’re always up to date.

You’ll actively keep pace and stay up to date on all the current market trends and technological developments. With your knowledge of market trends and our customers’ requirements, you’ll provide important feedback for product development. Your insights will help ensure that the solutions we offer are always relevant and competitive.

Formal qualifications

You have a degree in engineering, computer science or a related field. If you also already have knowledge or certificates in the areas of project management and customer service, you have the ideal qualifications. You have a good technical understanding. You’re familiar with relevant technical fields such as microcontrollers, software development, electronics design and automation technology. You have the necessary technical understanding to integrate chips and electronic components for industrial communication into solutions for customers. You’re familiar with industry standards and compliance requirements. Whether in customer support and service, design-in or technical support, our customers can rely on your competent and professional support.


You’re a team player and have excellent communication skills. You’re able to communicate complex technical ideas in an understandable way, even to people with different levels of technical understanding, whatever the situation calls for. You can work independently, are well-organized, and are process and solution-oriented. You can think analytically and pragmatically, and you’re able to apply both skills to good effect.

Computer skills

You’re familiar with MS Office and ERP applications (ideally MS D365 BC) and are experienced in working with database systems.

Language skills

You are able to communicate confidently and effectively, both written and spoken, in German and English.

첨단 기술산업

당사와 함께, 귀하는 자신의 창의력을 마음껏 발휘할 공간이 넉넉한, 젊고 기술 지향적인 회사에서 흥미진진한 업무를 담당하게 될 것입니다.

팀 정신

경험이 풍부하고 도움을 주는 동료들과 함께 의욕적인 팀에서 일하십시오. 서로간의 존중과 좋은 협력은 우리의 최우선 과제입니다! Hilscher는 광범위한 파트너 네트워크와 다양한 주제와 관련한 수많은 전문가를 보유한 산업 통신 분야의 시장 선두주자입니다. 우리 업계에서 발판을 마련하고 미래의 생산을 구현하는 데 일조하십시오!

매력적인 근무 조건

당사는 우리 시대의 가장 유망한 산업 분야 중 하나에서 30 일 휴가 등의 매력적인 조건으로 정규직 고용 계약을 제공합니다. 게다가 당신은 연간 보너스 형태로 추가 수당은 물론 13번째 급여를 받게 될 것입니다. 또한, 당사는 귀하와 우리의 성공 열쇠가 교육이라고 보는 까닭에, 추가적인 후속 교육이 항상 가능하고 명시적으로 장려됩니다 - 우리는 당신을 지원할 것입니다!

워라밸 - 일과 삶의 균형

유연 근무시간제 및 재택근무를 통해, 당사는 가능한 최선의 방식으로 우리의 직업 생활과 개인 생활의 조화를 이룰 수 있도록 합니다. 예를 들어, 휴가 계획은 항상 자신의 팀 내지 동료들과 상의하여 이루어 집니다.

위치적 장점

당사는 독일에서 가장 활기찬 비즈니스 지역 중 하나인 라인-마인 지역에 위치하고 있으며, 금융 대도시 프랑크푸르트와 공항이 바로 인접해 있습니다.

회사 혜택

당사는 점심 식대 보조, 각종 브랜드 및 매장의 직원 할인, 무료 주차와 회사 비용 부담의 과일 등을 임직원에게 제공합니다.

Two Hilscher employees looking at a tablet

입사지원과 Hilscher에서의 근무에 관한 모든 것: Julia Fessler씨가 귀하의 담당 연락처입니다.

전화: +49 (0) 6190 – 9907-0

이메일: recruiting@hilscher.com

Hilscher의 지원 절차에는 작성된 지원서 검토, 면접 및 채용 시험이 포함됩니다. 취업 면접을 통해 우리는 개인적으로 귀하를 알 수 있는 기회를 갖게 됩니다. 물론, 면접은 귀하에게도 당사와 Hilscher에서 근무하는 일반적인 기본 조건을 알 수 있는 기회를 제공할 것입니다.

관련 링크

Two Hilscher employees looking at a tablet
Human Resources

Our Human Resources department is looking forward to meet you!

Thanks to its multi-protocol capability, Hilscher products can be integrated into almost any industrial application—yours included!

Hilscher 팀의 일원이 되어 전 세계 머신 네트워크 통합을 추진하십시오. 우리는 항상 시대의 가장 혁신적인 기술 중 하나에 관심이 있는 헌신적인 사람들을 찾고 있습니다.