netHOST RTE is a full-featured and autonomously operating Real-Time Ethernet master that enables industrial PCs and embedded systems to control Real-Time Ethernet networks via a standard LAN connection.
A simple TCP/IP-based transport protocol transfers the services between the controlling unit and the device. A Windows DLL and a “C” source code for embedded solutions are provided for device integration. In both cases the application interface (API) is identical with the PC cards from Hilscher. The application interface thus makes the netHOST for existing applications a “remotely controllable PC card for field installations”.
100 bytes process data inputs and outputs can be transmitted via the LAN network in about one millisecond. Acyclic services to the subordinate Real-Time Ethernet stations are supported as well. The bus configuration software is included within the delivery.
Owing to the LAN technology, two devices can be operated in combination as redundant devices. If one of the two devices fails or if a line is interrupted, switching over from one device to the other is possible.
Within seconds, the maintenance personnel can use the memory card slot and a memory card to load and commission a replacement device without any additional software.