Extbase Variable Dump
array(6 items)
   containerClassAttribute => 'input' (5 chars)
   elementClassAttribute => '' (0 chars)
   elementErrorClassAttribute => 'error' (5 chars)
   sortByOptionLabel => TRUE
   options => array(246 items)
      AF => 'Afghanistan' (11 chars)
      AX => 'Aland Islands' (13 chars)
      AL => 'Albania' (7 chars)
      DZ => 'Algeria' (7 chars)
      AS => 'American Samoa' (14 chars)
      AD => 'Andorra' (7 chars)
      AO => 'Angola' (6 chars)
      AI => 'Anguilla' (8 chars)
      AQ => 'Antarctica' (10 chars)
      AG => 'Antigua and Barbuda' (19 chars)
      AR => 'Argentina' (9 chars)
      AM => 'Armenia' (7 chars)
      AW => 'Aruba' (5 chars)
      AU => 'Australia' (9 chars)
      AT => 'Austria' (7 chars)
      AZ => 'Azerbaijan' (10 chars)
      BS => 'Bahamas' (7 chars)
      BH => 'Bahrain' (7 chars)
      BD => 'Bangladesh' (10 chars)
      BB => 'Barbados' (8 chars)
      BY => 'Belarus' (7 chars)
      BE => 'Belgium' (7 chars)
      BZ => 'Belize' (6 chars)
      BJ => 'Benin' (5 chars)
      BM => 'Bermuda' (7 chars)
      BT => 'Bhutan' (6 chars)
      BO => 'Bolivia' (7 chars)
      BQ => 'Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba' (32 chars)
      BA => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina' (22 chars)
      BW => 'Botswana' (8 chars)
      BV => 'Bouvet Island' (13 chars)
      BR => 'Brazil' (6 chars)
      IO => 'British Indian Ocean Territory' (30 chars)
      BN => 'Brunei Darussalam' (17 chars)
      BG => 'Bulgaria' (8 chars)
      BF => 'Burkina Faso' (12 chars)
      BI => 'Burundi' (7 chars)
      KH => 'Cambodia' (8 chars)
      CM => 'Cameroon' (8 chars)
      CA => 'Canada' (6 chars)
      CV => 'Cape Verde' (10 chars)
      KY => 'Cayman Islands' (14 chars)
      CF => 'Central African Republic' (24 chars)
      TD => 'Chad' (4 chars)
      CL => 'Chile' (5 chars)
      CN => 'China' (5 chars)
      CX => 'Christmas Island' (16 chars)
      CC => 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands' (23 chars)
      CO => 'Colombia' (8 chars)
      KM => 'Comoros' (7 chars)
      CG => 'Congo' (5 chars)
      CD => 'Congo, the Democratic Republic of the' (37 chars)
      CK => 'Cook Islands' (12 chars)
      CR => 'Costa Rica' (10 chars)
      CI => 'Cote d'Ivoire' (13 chars)
      HR => 'Croatia' (7 chars)
      CU => 'Cuba' (4 chars)
      CW => 'Curaçao' (8 chars)
      CY => 'Cyprus' (6 chars)
      CZ => 'Czech Republic' (14 chars)
      DK => 'Denmark' (7 chars)
      DJ => 'Djibouti' (8 chars)
      DM => 'Dominica' (8 chars)
      DO => 'Dominican Republic' (18 chars)
      EC => 'Ecuador' (7 chars)
      EG => 'Egypt' (5 chars)
      SV => 'El Salvador' (11 chars)
      GQ => 'Equatorial Guinea' (17 chars)
      ER => 'Eritrea' (7 chars)
      EE => 'Estonia' (7 chars)
      ET => 'Ethiopia' (8 chars)
      FK => 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)' (27 chars)
      FO => 'Faroe Islands' (13 chars)
      FJ => 'Fiji' (4 chars)
      FI => 'Finland' (7 chars)
      FR => 'France' (6 chars)
      GF => 'French Guiana' (13 chars)
      PF => 'French Polynesia' (16 chars)
      TF => 'French Southern Territories' (27 chars)
      GA => 'Gabon' (5 chars)
      GM => 'Gambia' (6 chars)
      GE => 'Georgia' (7 chars)
      DE => 'Germany' (7 chars)
      GH => 'Ghana' (5 chars)
      GI => 'Gibraltar' (9 chars)
      GR => 'Greece' (6 chars)
      GL => 'Greenland' (9 chars)
      GD => 'Grenada' (7 chars)
      GP => 'Guadeloupe' (10 chars)
      GU => 'Guam' (4 chars)
      GT => 'Guatemala' (9 chars)
      GG => 'Guernsey' (8 chars)
      GN => 'Guinea' (6 chars)
      GW => 'Guinea-Bissau' (13 chars)
      GY => 'Guyana' (6 chars)
      HT => 'Haiti' (5 chars)
      HM => 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands' (33 chars)
      VA => 'Holy See (Vatican City State)' (29 chars)
      HN => 'Honduras' (8 chars)
      HK => 'Hong Kong' (9 chars)
      HU => 'Hungary' (7 chars)
      IS => 'Iceland' (7 chars)
      IN => 'India' (5 chars)
      ID => 'Indonesia' (9 chars)
      IR => 'Iran' (4 chars)
      IQ => 'Iraq' (4 chars)
      IE => 'Ireland' (7 chars)
      IM => 'Isle of Man' (11 chars)
      IL => 'Israel' (6 chars)
      IT => 'Italy' (5 chars)
      JM => 'Jamaica' (7 chars)
      JP => 'Japan' (5 chars)
      JE => 'Jersey' (6 chars)
      JO => 'Jordan' (6 chars)
      KZ => 'Kazakhstan' (10 chars)
      KE => 'Kenya' (5 chars)
      KI => 'Kiribati' (8 chars)
      KP => 'Korea, Democratic People's Republic of' (38 chars)
      KW => 'Kuwait' (6 chars)
      KG => 'Kyrgyzstan' (10 chars)
      LA => 'Lao People's Democratic Republic' (32 chars)
      LV => 'Latvia' (6 chars)
      LB => 'Lebanon' (7 chars)
      LS => 'Lesotho' (7 chars)
      LR => 'Liberia' (7 chars)
      LY => 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya' (22 chars)
      LI => 'Liechtenstein' (13 chars)
      LT => 'Lithuania' (9 chars)
      LU => 'Luxembourg' (10 chars)
      MO => 'Macao' (5 chars)
      MK => 'Macedonia' (9 chars)
      MG => 'Madagascar' (10 chars)
      MW => 'Malawi' (6 chars)
      MY => 'Malaysia' (8 chars)
      MV => 'Maldives' (8 chars)
      ML => 'Mali' (4 chars)
      MT => 'Malta' (5 chars)
      MH => 'Marshall Islands' (16 chars)
      MQ => 'Martinique' (10 chars)
      MR => 'Mauritania' (10 chars)
      MU => 'Mauritius' (9 chars)
      YT => 'Mayotte' (7 chars)
      MX => 'Mexico' (6 chars)
      FM => 'Micronesia, Fed. States of' (26 chars)
      MD => 'Moldova, Republic of' (20 chars)
      MC => 'Monaco' (6 chars)
      MN => 'Mongolia' (8 chars)
      ME => 'Montenegro' (10 chars)
      MS => 'Montserrat' (10 chars)
      MA => 'Morocco' (7 chars)
      MZ => 'Mozambique' (10 chars)
      MM => 'Myanmar' (7 chars)
      NA => 'Namibia' (7 chars)
      NR => 'Nauru' (5 chars)
      NP => 'Nepal' (5 chars)
      NL => 'Netherlands' (11 chars)
      NC => 'New Caledonia' (13 chars)
      NZ => 'New Zealand' (11 chars)
      NI => 'Nicaragua' (9 chars)
      NE => 'Niger' (5 chars)
      NG => 'Nigeria' (7 chars)
      NU => 'Niue' (4 chars)
      NF => 'Norfolk Island' (14 chars)
      MP => 'Northern Mariana Islands' (24 chars)
      NO => 'Norway' (6 chars)
      OM => 'Oman' (4 chars)
      PK => 'Pakistan' (8 chars)
      PW => 'Palau' (5 chars)
      PA => 'Panama' (6 chars)
      PG => 'Papua New Guinea' (16 chars)
      PY => 'Paraguay' (8 chars)
      PE => 'Peru' (4 chars)
      PH => 'Philippines' (11 chars)
      PN => 'Pitcairn' (8 chars)
      PL => 'Poland' (6 chars)
      PT => 'Portugal' (8 chars)
      PR => 'Puerto Rico' (11 chars)
      QA => 'Qatar' (5 chars)
      RE => 'Reunion' (7 chars)
      RO => 'Romania' (7 chars)
      RU => 'Russia' (6 chars)
      RW => 'Rwanda' (6 chars)
      BL => 'Saint Barthélemy' (17 chars)
      SH => 'Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha' (44 chars)
      KN => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis' (21 chars)
      LC => 'Saint Lucia' (11 chars)
      MF => 'Saint Martin (French part)' (26 chars)
      PM => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon' (25 chars)
      VC => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines' (32 chars)
      WS => 'Samoa' (5 chars)
      SM => 'San Marino' (10 chars)
      ST => 'Sao Tome and Principe' (21 chars)
      SA => 'Saudi Arabia' (12 chars)
      SN => 'Senegal' (7 chars)
      RS => 'Serbia' (6 chars)
      SC => 'Seychelles' (10 chars)
      SL => 'Sierra Leone' (12 chars)
      SG => 'Singapore' (9 chars)
      SX => 'Sint Maarten (Dutch part)' (25 chars)
      SK => 'Slovakia' (8 chars)
      SI => 'Slovenia' (8 chars)
      SB => 'Solomon Islands' (15 chars)
      SO => 'Somalia' (7 chars)
      ZA => 'South Africa' (12 chars)
      GS => 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands' (44 chars)
      KR => 'South Korea' (11 chars)
      SS => 'South Sudan' (11 chars)
      ES => 'Spain' (5 chars)
      LK => 'Sri Lanka' (9 chars)
      SD => 'Sudan' (5 chars)
      SR => 'Suriname' (8 chars)
      SJ => 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen' (22 chars)
      SZ => 'Swaziland' (9 chars)
      SE => 'Sweden' (6 chars)
      CH => 'Switzerland' (11 chars)
      SY => 'Syrian Arab Republic' (20 chars)
      TW => 'Taiwan' (6 chars)
      TJ => 'Tajikistan' (10 chars)
      TZ => 'Tanzania, United Republic of' (28 chars)
      TH => 'Thailand' (8 chars)
      TL => 'Timor-Leste' (11 chars)
      TG => 'Togo' (4 chars)
      TK => 'Tokelau' (7 chars)
      TO => 'Tonga' (5 chars)
      TT => 'Trinidad and Tobago' (19 chars)
      TN => 'Tunisia' (7 chars)
      TR => 'Turkey' (6 chars)
      TM => 'Turkmenistan' (12 chars)
      TC => 'Turks and Caicos Islands' (24 chars)
      TV => 'Tuvalu' (6 chars)
      UG => 'Uganda' (6 chars)
      UA => 'Ukraine' (7 chars)
      AE => 'United Arab Emirates' (20 chars)
      GB => 'United Kingdom' (14 chars)
      US => 'United States' (13 chars)
      UY => 'Uruguay' (7 chars)
      UZ => 'Uzbekistan' (10 chars)
      VU => 'Vanuatu' (7 chars)
      VE => 'Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of' (33 chars)
      VN => 'Vietnam' (7 chars)
      VG => 'Virgin Islands, British' (23 chars)
      WF => 'Wallis and Futuna' (17 chars)
      EH => 'Western Sahara' (14 chars)
      YE => 'Yemen' (5 chars)
      ZM => 'Zambia' (6 chars)
      ZW => 'Zimbabwe' (8 chars)
   fluidAdditionalAttributes => array(6 items)
      required => 'required' (8 chars)
      data-element-type => 'PardotCountrySelect' (19 chars)
      data-parsley-trigger => 'change' (6 chars)
      data-parsley-errors-container => '#kontaktformular_WerdePartner_EN-37695-pardotcountryselect-1-errors' (67 chars)
      data-parsley-required => 'true' (4 chars)
      data-parsley-required-message => 'Ce champ est requis.' (20 chars)
Hilscher: Become an integration partner of Hilscher technology!
A hand in a white glove holds an embedd module from Hilscher. Mounted on the green square module is a netX 52.
empowering communication

Become an integration partner of Hilscher technology!

You would like to expand your offer with industrial communication solutions to provide your customers with even more comprehensive services? Fill out the contact form below and tell us about your ideas, projects or plans! We will get back to you as soon as possible and look forward to adding you to our global network as an integration partner.

Your path to become a Qualified Integration Partner for our technology:
1. Get in touch with us

Fill out the form below and get in touch with us. We will get back to you within a week with further information.

2. Initial consultation

Get to know us! We will present our partner network concept and explain the underlying business model to you with examples of already existing partnerships. This consultation is set to be around one to two hours long.

3. Second interview

We will clarify technical matters and define the joint added value that we see in a strategic partnership. We plan up to 2 hours for this meeting. The aim is to conduct the first and second meeting within one month.

4. Partner agreement

After clarifying all open questions, we conclude a joint partner agreement to put our partnership on a solid basis. You will receive this agreement from us within the following week after the second interview.

5. Technical training

In order to be able to use our solutions successfully for your customers, you will receive comprehensive technical training from us. Depending on the dates available, this will take place 1 to 2 months after the signed partner agreement.

6. Qualified Integration Partner

After completing the technical training, you will be added to our partner network as a qualified integration partner for our embedded or IIoT solutions. You will also be listed on our homepage and can win new customers and partners with our technology!

Become an integration partner for Hilscher technology. Get in touch with us!


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