Hilscher employee standing next to a robot and holding a comX module.
empowering communication






First steps in your career

Not yet sure where you want to further your career? No problem: This is a very difficult question, and very careful thought needs to be given to the answer. You can gain an initial insight into professional life by doing an internship with us. From production to IT, to marketing and commercial departments such as financial accounting or sales, we offer many exciting areas of interest that you can explore before you decide on your preferred career path.

Your prospects with us

Our trainees are our specialists of tomorrow, which is why we have for many years placed huge emphasis on successful training in a range of trades and professions. The expertise and satisfaction of all our employees is our top priority, so expert qualified staff are on hand to support our apprentices with help and advice throughout their training, and involve them fully in day-to-day work.

Our aim is to provide our apprentices with the best possible preparation for their future career. That’s why we think it is important to offer our apprentices secure jobs once they have completed their training.

Mitarbeiter arbeitet an Roboter


Two young men look at a display of a machine. One of them points at something on the display, he is wearing gloves. In the background you can see a woman working on another machine. The picture is crowded with semiconductor production machines.



Hilscher student leaning against a wall and looking at a cell phone.


Employee entering Hilscher's company building through the main entrance.

‌‌通过在我们公司的学徒期为自己未来成功的职业生涯奠定基础。在作为应用开发的 IT 专家学徒期间,你将全面了解工业公司的 IT 部门,并学习如何实施客户特定的信息和通讯解决方案。

Production of the netFIELD Device at Hilscher in Hattersheim.


Two Hilscher employees looking at a tablet



电话 +49 (6190) 9907-0

Email recruiting@hilscher.com

netX-Kommunikations-Controller von Hilscher auf einer Leiterplatte.

35 年来,赫优讯始终都是引领潮流的自动化解决方案的代表。我们对工业通信的理解无人能及,同时还为客户提供创新的解决方案和服务,将他们的机器集成到自有网络之中。