Hilscher netPI Edge Gateway in use.
empowering communication

netFIELD Edge – 赫优讯 Edge 网关

netFIELD Edge 由不同性能等级的设备组成,可作为自动化系统运行 (OT) 和信息技术 (IT) 层面之间的智能数据路由器。借助嵌入在容器中的可自由加载软件,这些设备可以独立地聚合、处理或传输 IIoT 信息,并与已建立的生产和控制流程并行。

一个符合 IEC 62443 要求的网络安全 Linux 操作系统、一个 Web 配置界面和两个独立运行的容器引擎构成了设备的基础。另外,每个设备和第二个容器引擎都可以通过一个平台进行集中管理。所有组件的协调工作只需在用户界面上简单点击即可完成,并允许在其整个生命周期内管理每个分散和 Edge 支持的 IIoT 项目。

Three gateways are lined up on a colorful background containing red and cyan as well as dark blue. Under the devices, there is a Linux lettering with a penguin (Tux) on the right side.

OT connectivity by netX

A particular highlight of the devices is their OT connectivity to industrial networks such as PROFINET, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP or IO-Link. This is made possible by the integration of Hilscher's netX multi-protocol processors. This unique combination of netX and CPU computing power is suitable for the operation of all types of IIoT applications in industry: the user decides flexibly whether, for example, data mining software runs directly on the devices or the data intelligence is outsourced to any cloud in forwarding scenarios.

A structural graphic of the different components of Hilscher's netFIELD solution.


数据逻辑的目的是识别流程中的模式和关系,并实施优化措施以提高效率。例如,异常的定位就是这样一种措施。数字孪生的映射以及下游预测性维护和状态监测解决方案的实施也是典型的场景。它们都可以在最短的时间内以最小的工作量使用 netFIELD Edge 进行管理。


Background with Edge Gateway and Icon on top


A stylized PC monitor on a background with technical graphics in the background.

作为软件即服务(SaaS)的集中式边缘管理 netFIELD 云端可实现现代化生产设施的设备和软件管理。这简化了向用户大型设备群可靠部署软件的过程。

A stylized PC monitor on a colorful background with technical graphics in the background.

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