Thanks to its multi-protocol capability, Hilscher products can be integrated into almost any industrial application—yours included!
empowering communication





Software developer sitting at a desk and developing a solution for industrial communication applications.

Our Purchasing team needs reinforcement. If you are looking for a job as Procurement Specialist in a market-leading and future-proof high-tech company, then apply now at Hilscher!

A cifX PC card with red PCB lays in the foreground surrounded by network cables and interfaces. Out of focus in the background you can see three people in a discussion

Support our customers in designing the best possible communication solution with our netX technology. Apply now as Support Engineer at Hilscher!

A cifX PC card with red PCB lays in the foreground surrounded by network cables and interfaces. Out of focus in the background you can see three people in a discussion

Support our customers in designing the best possible communication solution with our netX technologyand apply now as Field Application Engineer at Hilscher!

Two Hilscher employees discussing a contract.

As the market leader in industrial communications, we offer our customers the best solution. We’re constantly growing and we want to continue do so well into the future. To help us achieve our mission, we need support on the ground from sales professionals like you.

Two men are discussing something in an office. They are behind a glass wall. The surroundings look futuristic. The man on the left is dressed in a dark suit while the man on the right is wearing a white shirt and blue jeans. The man on the right holds a small device in his hand and shows it to the man in the suit.


netX-Kommunikations-Controller von Hilscher auf einer Leiterplatte.


A group of young people sitting on a couch in Hilscher's office building.

你将在工作和学习相结合的课程中学习如何开发安全的 IT 应用程序。‌你将在学期内定期参加达姆施塔特应用技术大学的 IT 教学课程,并在空闲期间立即在我们公司应用新学到的知识。

A group of young people sitting on a couch in Hilscher's office building.

在综合工作和学习计划中,你将从(商业)信息学中收集有关主题的全面知识。‌在学期内定期参加达姆施塔特应用技术大学的 IT 教学课程,并在空闲期间立即在我们公司应用新学到的知识。

A group of young people sitting on a couch in Hilscher's office building.

‌在电子和信息技术的综合工作和学习计划中,你将学习电子、网络和控制技术的主题内容。‌你将在学期内参加达姆施塔特应用技术大学的 电子教学课程,并在空闲期间立即在我们公司应用新学到的知识。

Production of the netFIELD Device at Hilscher in Hattersheim.


Employee entering Hilscher's company building through the main entrance.

‌‌通过在我们公司的学徒期为自己未来成功的职业生涯奠定基础。在作为应用开发的 IT 专家学徒期间,你将全面了解工业公司的 IT 部门,并学习如何实施客户特定的信息和通讯解决方案。

Hilscher student leaning against a wall and looking at a cell phone.


Two young men look at a display of a machine. One of them points at something on the display, he is wearing gloves. In the background you can see a woman working on another machine. The picture is crowded with semiconductor production machines.



Hilscher employee standing next to a robot and holding a comX module.


A group of young people sitting on a couch in Hilscher's office building.


Hilscher employee standing next to a robot and holding a comX module.


Two Hilscher employees looking at a tablet



电话:+49 (0) 6190–9907-0
