Hilscher releases new netX-90-based PC card in M.2 format with B+M Key

Hattersheim, 21. Aug. 2024 – Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH has released a new multiprotocol cifX PC card in M.2 form factor with B+M key. The card is versatile and can be used as a slave in almost any industrial network, including:

  • EtherCAT Slave
  • EtherNet/IP Adapter
  • DeviceNet Slave
  • CANopen Slave
  • CC-Link IE Field Basic Slave
  • Modbus/TCP Client/Server
  • Powerlink Controlled Node
  • Sercos Slave
  • MQTT Client
  • OPC UA Server

The new cifX card is the latest addition to Hilscher’s range of mini PC cards. From mini PCIe to half-size mini PCIe and now M.2 - the new space and power saving mini PC cards from Hilscher are now available with both A+E and B+M keying.

A product picture of a PC card in M.2 format on the left side. On the right side is a white angular form with numerous logos of industrial protocols. The background is a colorful gradient in red and blue.

Hilscher’s netX 90 communication controller makes the card security-ready and provides an ideal basis for secure communication between PC-based automation devices and production systems. New standards such as the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and the latest trends in the industry are directly incorporated into the development of new hardware and software solutions thanks to Hilscher’s expertise. This includes vertical communication in Industrial IoT via OPC UA and MQTT as well as data communication via Single Pair Ethernet (SPE).

The M.2 standard is becoming increasingly popular for a wide range of applications, including factory automation. The small cifX card with an edge length of just 42 mm x 22 mm (L x W) fits into nearly any machine or device. Some typical applications include:

  • Imaging systems
  • Robotic arms and heads
  • IPCs
  • HMIs
  • PLCs
개발 및 테스트 시 위험 감소

표준화된 물리적 인터페이스로 인해 자체 하드웨어 설계가 필요 없으며, 다른 프로젝트의 기타 사용 사례에서도 사용 가능합니다. 이는 설계에 대한 투자 및 연구 개발이 필요 없이 손쉽고 빠른 테스트가 가능하다는 것을 의미합니다. 호스트 연결을 위한 장치 드라이버, 로딩 가능한 펌웨어, 구성 소프트웨어, 제품 지원, 상세한 문서 및 설명 등이 여기 포함됩니다.

모든 관련 OS에 대한 드라이버 및 C-Toolkit 제공
  • cifX 장치 드라이버를 통해 대부분의 시장 요구 사항 실현 가능
  • 특별한 솔루션이나 고객 맞춤형 OS는 C-Toolkit을 통해 실현 가능
빠른 제품화 시간 및 미래를 보장하는 투자

힐셔는 기술 선도업체로서, 항상 동일한 애플리케이션 인터페이스, 드라이버 및 도구를 구비한 최신 트렌드 버전의 cifX PC 카드를 출시할 것입니다.

The new cifX M.2 variants with B+M key

PC 카드 M.2 2242 ‍Key B+M - 실시간 이더넷

PC 기반 자동화를 위한 통신

PC 카드 M.2 2242 Key B+M - CANopen

PC 기반 자동화를 위한 통신

PC 카드 M.2 2242 Key B+M - DeviceNet

PC 기반 자동화를 위한 통신

PC 카드 M.2 2242 Key B+M - PROFIBUS DP

PC 기반 자동화를 위한 통신

Christof Hunger, Head of Product Management Communication Products at Hilscher, about cifX:

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해당 동영상을 열람하는 경우, 당사 개인정보 보호정책에 동의하는 것으로 간주됩니다.

netX: Hilscher’s platform promise

As with all our cifX cards, the new M.2 card with B+M key is based on Hilscher’s netX technology. The netX technology consists of master and slave network controllers developed by Hilscher. Today, there are already more than 22 million netX nodes in production plants and machines worldwide.

With its netX technology Hilscher is committed to its platform promise for industrial communication:

One technology—standardized interfaces, drivers and tools—all form factors and protocols

When you use Hilscher products you will always get the same familiar operating environment thanks to Hilscher’s netX technology, which you can flexibly use for nearly every industrial communication application. From a gateway for out-of-the-box protocol conversion to a highly integrated master controller right on your machine. Rely on technology from the industry leader and get all your solutions from a single source.

Learn more about our platform promise with netX

Several different PC cards from Hilscher in the top right quarter. Numerous industrial communication protocols on a white shape in the lower half of the picture. On the right side on a white shape are several logos of different device drivers.
Related links
Three PC cards on a colorful background. One has a red PCB while the other two are green. One has an AIFX detached network interface connected to it.

cifX PC 카드는 PC 기반 장치를 자동화 환경에 통합하는 가장 쉽고 빠른 방법입니다. netX 통신 컨트롤러를 기반으로, 모든 애플리케이션에 대해 모든 폼 팩터에서 모든 프로토콜에 액세스할 수 있습니다.

A photo collage showcasing various Hilscher products

턴키 제품에서 고도로 통합된 솔루션 및 보완 소프트웨어에 이르기까지 Hilscher는 산업용 통신을 위한 파트너입니다. 귀사 기계설비 네트워킹을 완전히 새로운 수준으로 끌어올릴 수 있는 방법에 대해 간단히 살펴봅시다!

A photo of the male and female customer support phone operator with different internationality
Customer Center / Sales: Hilscher Korea Inc.

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