Hilscher netX microcontroller driver  V0.0.5.0
Documentation of the netX driver package
Hilscher netX microcontroller driver Documentation


This is the driver library, designated for the netX microcontroller application side. This page will provide an overview of the driver and explain how it is structured and how it is used. The target IDE of this introduction and the driver itself is netX Studio.

The CMSIS component is also used and explained here. In future versions both components will be merged together.

Features and requirements of the driver

The target of the driver layer is to provide a simple API for the applications to interact with the devices available. We have two kinds of drivers. The first one are the ones we have developed after the CMSIS recommendations. The other ones are developed for verification purposes and provide a hardware near abstaction layer. To support the family of chips a so called chip support layer was introduced, where the drivers functionality is mapped to requirement definitons and of course the hardware registers.

This meta layer shall met the following requirements:

  • The API shall be user friendly.
  • There shall be no dynamic memory allocation.
  • The API shall have a consistent look and feel.
  • The driver should be performant but shall also be maintainable.
  • For security reasons the drivers API shall only return elements of the state enumeration.
  • The CMSIS standard has to be respected and be a general guideline.
    • Changes on it shall be minimal.
    • A pack shall be available in the future and contain the flasher.
    • The svd and all other structures shall be supported and used by the driver.
  • The driver uses the object oriented c as a guideline.
    • The first parameter shall be the associated class/handle/context object.
    • If the context object is global and constant it should not be necessary to be the first parameter.
    • The definition of functions as function pointers and object attributes is optional.
    • There should not be the need for inheritance.
  • The driver shall support operating systems.
  • The functions shall be reentrant.
  • The driver shall support concurrent acesses.
    • A locking mechanisms shall be implemented and used therefore
  • The driver shall contain debug tracing functionality
  • The data and control flow shall be separated as good as possible.
    • A flusing function shall be introduced to cope with the data flow.
    • There shall be IRQ, DMAC and Polling programing models be implemented for each device driver.
  • The driver is configured via the configuration object. It may not be modified except by driver.
  • The drivers context object or handle shall not be modified exept by driver.
  • A driver is referenced to an other driver by its handle.
  • Blocking calls shall implement a timeout.
  • Blocking calls shall provide a sleep and rescheduling option.
  • There shall be callbacks available.
  • DeInit shall deactivate the peripheral module from an application point of view. (e.g. disable interrupts, stop DMA, etc.) It is not required to reset HW registers to reset state.

The following devices are supported with full drivers:

  • DIO - Digital Input and Output devices
    • MMIO - Multiplex Matrix for Input and Output
    • HIF - Host InterFace
    • PIO - Programmed Input and Output device
    • GPIO - General Purpose Input and Output device
    • BOD - Brown Out Detection
  • MLED - Multiple Light Emitting Diode device
  • Timer - Timer device
    • GPIO PWM - General Purpose Input and Output device for Pulse Width Modulated signals
    • GPIO Blink - General Purpose Input and Output device for Blinking modes
    • Timer (ARM) - Timer devices similar to ARM
    • System Tick - Timer device dedicated to generate a system tick
    • Systime - High precision clock devices with seconds and nanoseconds registers
    • Systime Latch - Device for latching the available Systimes at the same moment
    • Systime Compare - Device generating interrupt if a Systime value is reached
  • ADC - Analog Digital Converter peripheral
    • Temperature sensor - The temperature sensor readable by the ADC
  • UART - Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
  • SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface
  • SQI - Serial Quad mode Interface
  • I2C - Inter-Integrated Circuit
  • DMAC - Direcet Memory Access Controller
  • TRACE - A software module with a ring buffer for fast tracing.

The following devices are supported by legacy drivers:

  • BiSS - Bidirectional Serial Synchron interface
  • CAN - Controlle Area Network
  • XPIC Ethernet MAC - Driver for the ethernet mac that runs on the xPIC
  • XPIC Loader - Driver that enables the xPIC device with load, execute and debug functionalities.

Folder structure

  • CMSIS - The Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard
    • Device - The devices supported
      • Hilscher - The vendor contained in this pack
        • netx - The chip series
          • Include - Include files of this chip series
            • regdef - The register definitions by legacy impementation
              • netx90_app - The final silicon of netX 90
                • regdef_netx90_arm_app.h - The c header of the netx90 register definition
                • regdef_netx90_arm_app.S - The asm header of the netx90 register definition
                • regdef_netx90_arm_app.html - The register definition as html site
                • regdef_netx90_arm_app.svd - The register definition as unedited svn
              • netx90_mpw_app - The engineering samples of netX 90
                • regdef_netx90_MPW_arm_app.h - The c header of the netx90 register definition
                • regdef_netx90_MPW_arm_app.S - The asm header of the netx90 register definition
                • regdef_netx90_MPW_arm_app.html - The register definition as html site
                • regdef_netx90_MPW_arm_app.svd - The register definition as unedited svn
              • netx90_app.h - The header file of the final silicon of netX90
              • netx90_mpw_app.h - The header file of the engineering samples of netX90
              • system_netx.h - The header file of the netx system wide initialization code
              • netx90_app.svd - The svd of the final silicon of netX90
              • netx90_mpw_app.svd - The svd of the engineering samples of netX90
          • Source - Startup and init source files provided with the library
            • ARM - Files for the ARM compiler
              • startup_netx90_app.s - netX90 final silicon startup code
              • startup_netx90_mpw_app.s - netX90 engineering sample startup code
            • GDB - Files for the gcc compiler
              • startup_netx90_app.S - netX90 final silicon startup code
              • startup_netx90_mpw_app.S - netX90 engineering sample startup code
              • gcc_netx90_app.ld - netX90 final silicon linker file
              • gcc_netx90_mpw_app.ld - netX90 engineering sample linker file
            • IAR - Files for the IAR compiler
              • startup_netx90_app.s - netX90 final silicon startup code
              • startup_netx90_mpw_app.s - netX90 engineering sample startup code
            • system_netx.c - Init functionalities of the netx controllers
    • Include - CMSIS-Core headers for the netx technologie.
  • netx_drv - The driver component itself

Structure of the driver

To illustrate the structure of the driver an example device driver "DEV" is discussed. The naming convention and other ones will be discussed in the next chapter called "Conventions".

Operation modes

Most of our peripherals are communication devices or deliver an data stream of some kind. Those streams are in most concepts transmitting and receiving data in single-, half- or full-duplex. To increase the maintainability the data and the control flows are split up as good as possible. To transport the data, the dma is used or the flush routine for transmitting the data. All other functions have the job to configure, initiate and control the flow of data.


In the layer model below one is able to see its over all structure. At the top there is an application and in the bottom, the hardware peripherals are shown.

CMSIS, OS abstaction
and helper functions
Hardware Device/NVIC/DMAC

Between the application and the hardware are on the upper layer the API calls. Some are directly interacting with the hardware like the initialization and some are not. The get state for example derives hardware states and software states in one call. The init function for example talks also with the NVIC peripheral and the dmac to initialize the drivers context by its given configuration. The abort function is split between the dma and irq mode but for polling it is not necessary, because in polling it is not possible to abort the polling context. To centralize the control flow and to switch between data direction and operation method there is a special layer. That configures the data flow parameters and then calls the associated operation method. This is done, because in most cases, the operation mode is independent of the data flow configured.

Configuration file

The driver is configured by a configuration file. This file is called netx_drv_user_conf.h, which is derived from its template called netx_drv_user_conf_template.h.

The configuration file may be used to include components of the driver into the build process or not, without managing the inclusion inside waf and the sources. This may be performed my commenting out or in the enabled macros.

It is also used for the os specific parts of the driver, where it is possible to exchange the api locking with the os free mutexes against os specific ones.

Because the DMA is used by some other drivers it has to be included if those are used. The same will be necessary for the SQI-Flash driver with the SQI driver.

OS abstraction layer for the driver

The os abstraction layer currently exists solely by the locking mechanism of the API. If a context is already in use, the locking mechanism shall prevent two callers from using the same context. Two callers for example might be on the netX90 two tasks of an operating system or the normal execution context (user mode) and the interrupt context (privileged mode).

Errors, states and assertion

Class diagram of example device "DEV"

In the diagram below, one is able to take a look on the general structure of drivers. The first attribute of all function calls shall contain a pointer to the structure containing the execution context. The only exception of this are the DIO driver, that has a global context objet and the legacy hardware abstraction layer drivers.


The handle structure associated with the device consists out of the configuration, other attributes and a set of functions. The attributes shall not be altered, except the configuration, which shall be provided before (re)initializing the driver. So it is possible to change configuration parameters afterwards, but they have to be followed by an initialization. This has a lot of side effects and should only be performed if really necessary. The change of operation mode by reinitilization is particularly not recommended at the moment, because of its huge test vector.

In case that a subdevice is used, such as the dma controller, one has to provide a context handle.

Usage of the API

The driver has the legacy HALs that are not part of this structure, also the dio driver is a bit special. The DIO has a global handle, that is not visible to the user. This design choice was made, because the devices have no interleaved configuration and no higher context. Each channel (pin) has a well defined state so that it is not necessary to provide context sensitive informations between interactions.

The normal API however has some core functions. As already used in the class diagram above, we define a device called DEV by functionalities as init, deinit, transmit, receive, change, abort and at last get state. All methods return the state of the drivers api. In c peudo code, such a device interaction is shown. The example is some kind of spi device, where the chip or frame select line is set before and reset after a transmission.

typedef DRV_STATUS_E;
typedef DRV_SPI_FSS_E;
DRV_STATUS_E DRV_SPI_Transmit(DRV_SPI_HANDLE_T * const ptHandle, uint8_t* pcData, size_t size);
DRV_STATUS_E DRV_SPI_Receive(DRV_SPI_HANDLE_T * const ptHandle, uint8_t* pcData, size_t size);
DRV_STATUS_E DRV_SPI_GetState(DRV_SPI_HANDLE_T * const ptHandle);

Buffers: data and control flows

The data and the control instructions are split up into several contexts. While the data and the control instructions originate from the same source, they should be split up as early as possible and executed by different (meta) contexts. Those conexts and the execution Sequence of the

Polling mode

The polling mode of an driver is intended to give the user a mode where the device is acessed in high priority by the core to exchange data. This means, that the caller context is blocked and its primary task is to flush the buffers. In the sequence diagram below one can see how this behaviour is achieved.

Interrupt mode

This shall be an explatory text for the IRQ Mode.

DMA mode

This shall be an explatory text for the DMA Mode.

Error Handling

The following code snipped is an example code on how to make use of the returned state. Not every DRV_STATE_E differing from DRV_OK is an error. A good example might be the DRV_LOCKED state, which might occur because an interrupt interrupted the allocation of the locking mutex. If this has happened one has to try again locking it. However, the API might also be locked and another task is using it. So it is feasible to log the time or count how often this happens and decide at wich point this might be an error.

int spifaulthandlingexample(int argc, char const * argv[])
uint32_t ulDataTx = 0xaabbccddul;
uint32_t ulDataRx = 0x11223344ul;
DRV_SPI_HANDLE_T tSPI = { { 0 } };
if(DRV_OK != (eReturn = DRV_SPI_Init(&tSPI)))
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
return 0;
// Transmit and receive 4 Byte of data via the SPI in the specified IRQ operation mode
while(DRV_OK != (eReturn = DRV_SPI_TransmitReceive(&tSPI, (uint8_t*) &ulDataTx, (uint8_t*) &ulDataRx, 4)))
switch (eReturn)
// Either the API is locked or the trylock was interrupted.
// A counter might be implemented to check if there is some kind of deadlock
case DRV_BUSY:
// The device/driver is busy performing a task given.
// A counter might be implemented to check if there is some kind of deadlock
/* A generic error has occurred. In case of DMA operation mode, this will happen if the
* return values of both DMAC channels do not match. In this case it is possible to
* recover by aborting pending transfers.
while(DRV_OK != (eReturn = DRV_SPI_Abort(&tSPI)))
switch (eReturn)
// a counter might be implemented to check if there is some kind of deadlock
case DRV_BUSY:
// a counter might be implemented to check if there is some kind of deadlock
// a counter might be implemented to check if there is some kind of deadlock
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
// should not occur
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
// a counter might be implemented to check if there is some kind of deadlock
// Some generic buffer has an issue
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
// A parameter given to the function is not valid. Most likely a null pointer
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
// The function you are calling is not supported or not implemented
// This depends also on the configuration settings. Not every functionality
// with every configuration setting is possible or supported.
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
case DRV_TOUT:
// The function has reached the given timeout in polling mode.
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
// should not occur
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
// Wait until the transaction is finished
while(DRV_OK != (eReturn = DRV_SPI_GetState(&tSPI, &eSPIState)))
switch (eReturn)
case DRV_BUSY:
// The device/driver is busy performing a task given.
// A counter might be implemented to check if there is some kind of deadlock
// A parameter given to the function is not valid. Most likely a null pointer
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
// Some buffer has an issue
if((uint32_t) eSPIState & (uint32_t) DRV_SPI_STATE_RX_FIFO_OVERFLOW)
// Receive Buffer had an overflow
// External master too fast or if one is the master, too much data was transmitted
if((uint32_t) eSPIState & (uint32_t) DRV_SPI_STATE_RX_FIFO_UNDERRUN)
// Receive Buffer had an underrun
// Driver has read out too much data. Should not occur.
if((uint32_t) eSPIState & (uint32_t) DRV_SPI_STATE_TX_FIFO_OVERFLOW)
// Transmit buffer had an overflow
// Driver has written too much data into the fifo. Should not occur.
if((uint32_t) eSPIState & (uint32_t) DRV_SPI_STATE_TX_FIFO_UNDERRUN)
// Transmit buffer had an underrun
// Might happen as a slave if there is no data present while the master selects the slave,
// or because the slave is too slow filling up the fifo.
// In case one is the master, a underrun should not occur because the hardware would just
// stop transmitting data.
if((uint32_t) eSPIState
// Will catch all states
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
// should not occur
// A diagnostics function and fault handling shall be performed here
return eReturn;


We would like to give an introduction in the conventions used in this library.


As a naming convention we will use a namespacing scheme. Every driver call or data type will be prefixed with "DRV_" and the files with "netx_drv_". After those prefixes the next part will be the drivers module name like "DRV_SPI", which is in this case the SPI module.


All files shall be prefixed by "netx_drv". Thus for example the spi driver would be named netx_drv_spi. The suffix shall suffice the language requirements. So C source files are suffixed with ".c" and the headers with ".h". In the case of C++ the sources are suffixed with ".cpp" and the headers with ".hpp". Assembler files with ".S" or ".s". The CMSIS SVD file has the suffix ".svd" and documentations end with ".txt". The waf script is without any suffix and named unique by folder as wscript.


After the drivers prefix DRV_ the device is specified with a short naming in capital letters DRV_DEV


The enumerations will all be prefixed with DRV_ and then followed by the device for which they are defined. Then the name of the enumeration is given in capital letters DRV_DEV_ENUM_E




struct DRV_DEV_STRUCT_Ttag


CMSIS and device header

__NVIC and so on.




enum eVariableValue


There shall be documentation everywhere


At the beginning. The doxygen grouping. Disclaimer


Before the types definition. Each structure or enum element


Before the function in the header brief with member of and in the source detailled with member of, params return and visibility.

Code Formatting

Memory Model

The drivers are designed in the way that a caller is able to allocate the context handle on its stack. The drivers do not allocate memory on themselfs. Also the drivers API is protected with an os free mutex implementation for locking. This of course might be exchanged with operating system functions. So in drivers default, it is always possible to analyze the used stack memory with call graphs.

Compiling the driver

The driver has a file called user_drv_conf_template.h which shall be copied/renamed to user_drv_conf.h and modified. The driver has to be build without any extra parameters necessary. The CMSIS compliant device description header files and starting code has to be used. In the templates and Examples provided from hilscher are waf scripts. Those scripts contain the script parts necessary for compiling the driver.

The driver component depends on the CMSIS component and both shall be used together.

In the waf scripts we recommend the following compiler options:

1 __STACK_SIZE = 0x00002000
2 __HEAP_SIZE = 0x00002000
4 defines = ["__STACK_SIZE = %u" % __STACK_SIZE,
5  "__HEAP_SIZE = %u" % __HEAP_SIZE,
7  "__START = main",
8  ]

Linking the program

The example linker scripts are available in the CMSIS folder.


Version Date Who Description
V0.0.5.0 2019-12-17 AGR Header changes
V0.0.4.10 2019-12-16 AGR XPIC Hotfix
V0.0.4.9 2019-12-05 AGR SPI and UART Hotfix
V0.0.4.8 2019-10-07 AGR CMSIS Temperature Support
V0.0.4.7 2019-05-14 AGR CMSIS Template ld
V0.0.4.6 2019-05-02 AGR TIM Hotfix
V0.0.4.5 2019-04-25 AGR Info Page Fix
V0.0.4.4 2019-04-17 AGR Production Tested Chips
V0.0.4.3 2018-12-18 AGR End of year
V0.0.4.2 2018-11-22 AGR Trading Show Beta
V0.0.4.1 2018-11-15 AGR First Hotfix Round
V0.0.4.0 2018-11-13 AGR Final Silicon Pre-Beta
V0.0.3.0 2018-07-20 AGR DMA Pre-Beta
V0.0.2.0 2018-03-01 AGR CAN Pre-Beta
V0.0.1.0 2018-01-26 AGR Pre-Beta
V0.0.0.3564 2018-01-16 AGR Alpha
V0.0.0.3452 2017-11-06 AGR Pre-Alpha

V0.0.5.0 Header changes

Changed the wscript and tagged basically the V0.0.4.10 again due to the changes in driver and CMSIS regarding the headers linker files and everything that was part of V0.0.4.9 and V0.0.4.10

V0.0.4.10 Header Changes

  • Added error message for MPW header include
  • Removed MPW chip support package header file
  • Wrong include of obsolete MPW header fixed

V0.0.4.9 SPI and UART Hotfix

  • SPI init assert at wrong position
  • UART missing DRV_OK returns in certain cases
  • UART optimization of the Tx context reset constraints
  • CMSIS updated file header informations in the linker script

V0.0.4.8 CMSIS Temperature Support

  • CMSIS new regdef base for netX90, not the netX MPW, so the MPW support is broken
  • CMSIS extended for calibration/reference value support and convenience functions
  • CMSIS C++ constructor execution routine integrated
  • CORTEX and CMSIS added software reset vector
  • CSP changes for new regdef/svd and linter
  • ADC naming fix of DRV_ADC_DEVICE_ID_E to DRV_ADC_SEQ_DEVICE_ID_E including the IRQ handler
  • ADC initializer and documentation updated
  • ADC linter related changes like break added and several type casts
  • MLED changes related to the new regdef/svd file and linter
  • ETH MAC XPIC driver updated and now supported by netX 90
  • BiSS changes regarding the ETH MAC XPIC support
  • SPI naming change of DRV_SPI_FSS_STATIC_E to more meaningfull names
  • SPI eDataSize now set as supposed
  • SPI DMAC abort now working as needed
  • SPI DMA callback does not free context anymore
  • SPI fss static driver in dma mode removed from configuration space
  • Mutex and lock definitions expanded by an type and value define
  • TRACE_PRINTER define added to header
  • Non functional linter issuses fixed in TRACE, DIO, DMAC, I2C, SPI, UART
  • Readme and documentation updates

V0.0.4.7 CMSIS Template ld

  • ld file referred to PageExtraction an should have been PageReader
  • SPI added more robustness to init and fifo clr
  • DIO fixed bod unmask

V0.0.4.6 TIM Hotfix

  • TIM correction of assert

V0.0.4.5 Info Page Fix

  • CMSIS info page reader cache reset and better guarding
  • ADC includes added

V0.0.4.4 Production Tested Chips

  • SPI Device ID documentation corrected
  • SPI reset/default value and init of data size select fixed
  • SPI alignment calculation fixed
  • SPI and UART FiFo servicing order changed
  • SQI fss set fixed
  • UART variable set order changed
  • UART added missing else
  • UART str/ldr exclusive protection for watermark set
  • UART added separate tx and rx get state functions
  • DIO IRQ Mask fixed
  • CSP DIO HIF ID fixed
  • TRACE print function added
  • Changed DRV_LOCK behaviour during initialization
  • Moved RTOS_USED stubs into user_conf

V0.0.4.3 End of year

  • More documentation.
  • IRQ disable fixed.
  • MLED return values corrected.
  • RMW of irq clear fixed in I2C, DIO, TIM
  • DMA added missing IRQ clear pending
  • I2C HS Master Code transmission got HS mode parameter check
  • TIM boundary check fixed in pause and getValue and set preload
  • I2C and UART Poll mode got tick timeout similar to spi
  • SPI tick timeout behaviour homogenised with other modules
  • SPI dma slave mode unlocked
  • DeInit was implemented for ADC, I2C, DMA, SPI, UART

V0.0.4.2 Trading Show Beta

  • Some more documentation.
  • UART get and put char is now accepting unsigned char
  • CMSIS introduced Data memory barriers for the info page reader.

V0.0.4.1 First Hotfix Round

  • Some more documentation.
  • Regdef include of legacy HALs for mpw fixed
  • CMSIS linker script had wrong names for copy section
  • DMAC irq chip support is now modular and dev 3 was added to list

V0.0.4.0 Final Silicon Pre-Beta

This release shall have the support for the final silicon of the netX90 chip. Also the MLED module, the SQI devices, the ADC device for the final and the ethernet_mac_xpic device drivers are included.

  • General documentation update
    • Linker scripts
    • Final chip support including header and startup files
    • Flash info page reader for temperature calibration data
  • DMAC asic_ctrl pointer changed and abort fixed
  • SQI integration into the SPI
  • ADC device driver added
  • XPIC driver added
  • ETH_XPIC added
  • CSP for final silicon
  • MLED driver added
  • PIO driver overhaul for final silicon
  • Hotfix merge of V0.0.3.3
  • TIM deinit fixed
  • Removed a lot of traces
  • Abort for i2c

V0.0.3.0 DMA Pre-Beta

This release introduces the chip support layer and it contains changes to some drivers and also new ones. It also renames all driver files regarding the namespace convention.

  • CMSIS was updated to 5.3.0 and the usage of the regdef was switched to the svd generated headers in non legacy drivers (BiSS, CAN)
  • SPI DMA and 16b support changed the master slave config option and the mode option
  • I2C driver added
  • DMA driver added
  • BiSS legacy driver added
  • TIM finished
  • UART DMA support
  • I2C driver added
  • BOD support added to dio
  • ITM support added to cortex

V0.0.2.0 CAN Pre-Beta

The canctrl driver was added to support can functionality. NOTE: The driver is just a temporary implementation and might be replaced in the future.

V0.0.1.0 Pre-Beta

First release contains everything until today. (V0.0.0.3452, V0.0.0.3452) Since last version

  • DRV TIM get counter value call has changed
  • added the user_drv_conf_template.h
  • The callbacks now contain the driver context as first parameter
  • DRV UART interrupt mode
  • DRV UART getchar and putchar methods
  • Some minor bugfixes in tim and spi
  • DRV DIO line api changes regarding the final chip

V0.0.0.3564 Alpha

  • New regdef integrated
  • CMSIS updated with new devices
  • DRV DIO finished
  • DRV SPI poll and irq modes implemented
  • DRV TIM poll and irq modes implemented for GPIO counter, ARM Timer and ARM SysTick with PWM, Capture and Compare functionality on GPIO
  • DRV UART in poll mode only
  • DRV Cortex with CMSIS function wrapping.
  • Customization via user_drv_conf.h possible
  • Doxygen documentation design

V0.0.0.3452 Pre-Alpha

  • Examples for GPIO


Documentation in HTML-format can be generated by using doxygen. A respective Doxyfile is part of this example. You can run doxygen from command line or from inside netX Studio CDT. The output will be created in folder Doc.

netX Studio CDT

Just click on @ symbol at menu bar and choose Doxyfile. At the first time using this, netX Studio CDT will ask for installing Doxygen and Graphviz, which have to be installed.

Command line

Just execute doxygen from command line in the root directory of this example. It is required to have doxygen.exe in the PATH. If the "graphviz" package is installed, the documentation contains visual dependency diagrams. Due to a bug in dogygen, it is necessary to specify the path to dot.exe (Graphviz) in the "Doxyfile" -> DOT_PATH parameter

The doxygen documentation requires doxygen version 1.8.0. or higher in order to support Markdown plain text formatting
The doxygen tag INCLUDE_PATH has to be set to include the correct user_drv_conf.h to generate the documentation properly.


Exclusion of Liability for this demo software: The following software is intended for and must only be used for reference and in an evaluation laboratory environment. It is provided without charge and is subject to alterations. There is no warranty for the software, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties provide the software "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied.

Please refer to the Agreement in the disclaimer "README_DISCLAIMER.txt", provided together with this file! By installing or otherwise using the software, you accept the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, then do not install or use the Software!