netFIELD App OPC UA to MQTT Converter - Data bridge between OPC UA servers and one MQTT broker

Extended data flexibility and interoperability in Industry 4.0 applications
  • Data aggregation of one or several OPC UA servers at the same time

  • Transparent data forwarding of OPC UA objects to one MQTT broker

  • Simple extension of an existing OPC UA data infrastructure by MQTT

  • Support for common authentication methods and encrypted transmission methods

  • With web user interface for effortless configuration

Data bridges between OPC UA and MQTT

The two platform-independent netFIELD App containers ‘MQTT to OPC UA Converter’ and ‘OPC UA to MQTT Converter’ are software gateways that enable a transparent data exchange between applications that are using the two different messaging protocols MQTT and OPC UA as data interfaces.

On the primary side, both containers function as MQTT clients. The client of the ‘MQTT to OPC UA Converter‘ subscribes to configurable topics of an MQTT broker and transfers their payload to objects within its secondary side operated OPC UA server. Conversely, the ‘OPC UA to MQTT Converter‘ acts as an OPC UA client on the secondary side, aggregating configurable data objects from one or more OPC UA servers, and publishing them to an MQTT broker as topics through the MQTT client.

Generally, Hilscher’s netFIELD Apps use MQTT as the preferred IoT messaging protocol for exchanging their data with other applications. With the provision of the two OPC UA converter containers, it is now possible to enhance netFIELD Apps with an OPC UA data interface. This offers greater flexibility and interoperability in industrial environments when there is a need for OPC UA data-driven decision-making processes in IIoT application scenarios such as predictive maintenance, improved manufacturing efficiency, general cost savings, and higher product quality in production processes.

NFA-OPC-OTP supports the following protocols:






Product name


Part number



netFIELD App OPC UA to MQTT Converter

Software type



Containers accessible exclusively to netFIELD Cloud subscribers.

Hardware requirements

Processor architecture

x64, ARM32, ARM64

Container size

350 MByte, unpacked

Memory requirements

Minimum 200 MByte

Data interface


Software requirements

Operating system


Container runtime environment

Required, e.g. Docker

Runtime properties

Inbound protocol

OPC UA Client

Outbound protocol

MQTT (as a client)


Product name

Part number

Brief description



netFIELD App OPC UA to MQTT Converter - Data bridge between OPC UA servers and one MQTT broker

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