A press conference with many chairs in the foreground. In the background is a stage with several microphones, a desk and a large projection of the Hilscher logo. The room is empty.
empowering communication

SPS 2024:赫优讯新闻发布会

请查阅随附的新闻稿,这些稿件均来自赫优讯在纽伦堡智能生产解决方案 (SPS) 2024 新闻发布会的发布内容。

在新闻资料袋中,您可以方便地找到以下新闻稿的 Word 文档:

  • 赫优讯和森美创宣布建立战略合作伙伴关系,以提高在 DACH 地区的市场占有率
  • 赫优讯推出适用于 PROFINET、EtherNet/IP 和 Modbus 网络的新型 SPE 媒体交换机
  • Xentara 和赫优讯强强联合:面向工业 4.0 的联合自动化解决方案
  • 网络安全:未来 5 年生产中的关键主题
  • 赫优讯与 RS 宣布战略合作伙伴关系,扩大全球供应范围
  • 工业物联网:非数字化工厂面临重大劣势
  • 赫优讯亮相 SPS 2024:“没有安全,千兆技术将永远无法实现”
  • 赫优讯欢迎奥地利 LCM 成为新的集成合作伙伴



新闻资料袋:赫优讯 SPS 2024 新闻发布会


A young man in a white t-shirt smiles into the camera. He is wearing glasses. The background is grey.
Julius Abraham
Marketing Manager

Do you need additional press information, media content such as pictures or videos or just have a question? Get in touch with me!

Rheinstraße 15
A man from behind operating a camera. He is focussing on a man in a suit a few meters away. In the background is a large Hilscher logo. The photo is taken on a large trade fair booth.


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